World War 5G

World War 5G

Show notes

Today, Charlie discusses Samsung’s big 5G deal, the rally in European markets, Mulan’s impact on the movie industry and Oracle’s potential for a bounce back week.

Topics discussed:

  1. Samsung signed a 5G deal with Verizon.
  2. Europe’s markets bounced back Monday giving investors hope that American markets will do the same when they open after the long weekend.
  3. Mulan’s release led to a 68% increase in Disney+ downloads and Oracle is reporting earnings and still trying to make a TikTok deal.

Links mentioned in this episode:


Charlie Sidles

Charlie Sidles

Charlie Sidles is the host of In The Green with Invstr and is a Co-host of Invstr Crunch. He is a senior at Northwestern University pursuing degrees in both journalism and economics.

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